H.E. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Serbia to the Republic of Azerbaijan
Mr. Dragan Vladisavljević

Ambassador Dragan Vladisavljević was born in Lapovo in 1962. He completed the Military Aviation School in Mostar and in 1985 he graduated from the Military Aviation Academy in Zadar, earning the title of pilot. In 1996, he finished General Staff School in Belgrade and in 2002 he also completed General Staff Course. He was promoted to the rank of a Brigadier General in 2010.
In the Serbian Armed Forces he performed the duties of a pilot, assistant commander of the fighter aviation squadron in Batajnica, and then assistant commander of the fighter aviation regiment in Batajnica, as well as the Air Force and Air Defence professor at the Military Academy Tactics Department.
He performed the following duties at the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia – Military Intelligence Agency (MIA): Senior Desk Officer by 2004, Head of the Analysis and Assessment Section from 2004 to 2005, and Defence Attaché of the Republic of Serbia in Turkey from 2005 to 2009. While discharging the duty of the Head of the MIA Situation Centre in 2009, he was appointed Deputy Director of the MIA, becoming its Director in 2012. He was the MIA Director until 2014, when he was retired.
From 2015 to 2021 he served as the Director of the Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia responsible for the negotiations with the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Priština.
He was decorated on several occasions and also received many commendations and awards from his superior officers and the Defence Minister.
He published a number of articles in the Military Courier, and in 2003 he was named the author of the year. While teaching Air Force and Air Defence at the Military Academy Tactics Department, he published several papers in the field of professional literature for air force officers.
He speaks English, uses Russian and is familiar with Turkish.
He is married, father of two.